
Neurosurgery involves the diagnosis and surgical treatment of conditions affecting the brain, spinal cord, and nervous system. Common conditions include Brain Tumors, Cerebral Aneurysm, Gliomas, Hemorrhagic Strokes, and Spinal Stenosis. At LMC, our team of neurosurgeons provide a wide range of services, including endoscopy for pituitary tumors, treatment for brain and intraventricular tumors, vascular lesions, complex spinal surgeries (including spinal fusion for trauma and degenerative diseases), Rhizotomy, implantation of baclofen pumps for spasticity, foraminal infiltration, and peripheral nerve surgery. To learn more about our neurosurgery services, please contact us.

Patient Education

Brain Surgery: Purpose, Types, and Risks

What is brain surgery? The term "brain surgery" refers to various medical procedures that involve repairing structural problems in the brain. There are numerous types of brain surgery. The type used is based on the area of the brain and the condition being treated.